Annual Holiday Boutique
Friday, November 4th
This year we're doing it up BIG...
An all-day event from Noon - 7pm with "Sips" &
delicious treats from Slice of Switzerland food truck.
25 years ago Gratitudes started this wonderful holiday
tradition dubbed our "Holiday Boutique".
Over the years it blossomed into nothing short of
good, pure TRADITION.
We have enjoyed the delight this event brings to so many and
have appreciated the loyal faces we see year after year!
This 25th year will be our
final Holiday Boutique "Party".
Come and experience the fun with us one more time.
DO NOT WORRY! Gratitudes is not going anywhere...
We will still be your favorite store showcasing
everything you've always enjoyed.
It's only the "party" that is coming to an end.
Bring your friends, your holiday lists and
your beautiful faces to join the fun.
~ We're Looking Forward to Seeing Everyone ~